Monday, December 12, 2011

Why Did My Girlfriend Break Up With Me?

Well im just wondering mostly from a girls prospective why my girlfriend broke up with me :/ well it was all back a week ago on thursday December 17 2009 almost 2 months dating :] im that kinda guy most girls wishes their boyfriends would act like, respectful, open minded to her ideas and thoughts, a good listener, knows how to make her laugh, and most importantly a good boyfriend as well as being her best friend. We could see each other at school everyday (im 15 freshman in highschool) and i thought she was amazing ive known her since kintergarden and her dreamy topaz eyes and dancer body made my eyes pop and her sweet laugh.. i couldnt help but join in laughing with her :) well id always thought wow i wish if anything i could have a chance with her.. and next thing i know shes holding my hand and im just head over heels for her. Time passes by too quickly it seems now.. we went to the movies, hung at my house, she loved to make out with me when we were alone and later on in the relationship we did some minor sexual things but what teenager doesnt am i right? well she'd been hanging out a lot with this guy rodney and i trust her 100% as i do with every girlfriend i have. I can tell they flirt a lot but thats nothing so we go on and its wierd how you never know where the peak of your relationship was until its over.. well it reached that point in time and she told me i was perfect and just too sweet because i wrote her a little love poem and gave her a present for our ';one month anniversery'; dont get whats so special about one month of dating but why turn down a celebration with your girlfriend? well the present was FOR our one month but i didnt finish it until around 15 days later (I tried to make it as romantic as possible because she loves that so it took a little while longer) and 2 days after i was ';perfect'; she broke up with me. Luckily i knew it was coming because all the ';i love yous'; and smiley faces dissappeared from the txts and well one year of psychology my mom made me go to from my first break up devastation(suicidal i was crazy %26gt;.%26gt; dumb reason i realize that now ) i had prepared myself as much as i could in the two day period so i had some cushion to fall on so-to-speak. I let her know and i quote ';its ok and when i told you i loved you i meant i want whatever makes you happy so dont feel bad ill always be here for you, im still the best friend i was before nothings changed and nothing will'; I asked her why soon after she thanked me for being so understanding and she just said and again i quote ';well idk i just dont feel the same about you as i did before'; Now lets think...i didnt change at all and my feelings for her grew everyday. i never sexually pressured her or gave her a reason to break up with me, now shes going out with rodney. I just want to know something despite my psychology classes i cant tell if she broke up with me for rodney or what she said, or if she was cold hearted enough to break up with me for no reason. My thoughts are a little foggy right now and i just need some help from you guys and a little comfort im still fragile over the breakup. But my statement stands i want what makes her happy but happiness sometimes comes with sacrifices which is fine with me. id just appreciate the truth which i dont know if she is telling the truth or protecting me from a hurtful truth about another guy. Thanks a lot :)Why Did My Girlfriend Break Up With Me?
She broke up with you because it's high school and that's just a fact of the matter for High school students. I know it's easy to get attached in high school with all the hormones and newness of girls. But everyone will jump around a little. She saw something she liked more in another guy.

You just need to go find another girl. There is someone in that school for you.

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